
Dining or having dinner?

According to the online dictionary Thefreedictionary.com the verb to dine comes from the Old French term disner, contracted from Vulgar Latin disjējūnāre and its pronunciation is: dine [daɪn].
The referred verb presents three different applications:

1. (intr) to eat dinner: he didn't dine yesterday.
2. (intr; often foll by on, off, or upon) to make one's meal (of): the guests dined on roast beef.
3. (tr) Informal to entertain to dinner (esp in the phrase to wine and dine someone): He wines and dines Betty like a queen.

Special meanings:
Dine in:  eat at home - He dines in on wednesdays.
Dine out: eat at a restaurant or at somebody else's home - He dines out at the Carlton all the week.
As we just finished to discover, when someone is hungry he can solve the problem having dinner or dining.

By Orlando Ribeiro


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